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We can support any industry and give you instant visability with our template site which is free to add your business and we work by taking 20% of sales so you get 80%.
We offer full department store services
Hair, Nails and Beauty
Events and Entertainment
Voucher for your services
Plus many more
start up packages - Even if you are the smallest of cottage industry's this can work for you. We have done your web site for you and handle the bookings and email you with order. we have a wealth of experience to advise and guide you as you set up.
Established business and this still work in the same way we take 20% of sales via the site and you get 80%. Try us with a new range to trace your sales.
Its not enough to have a web site it needs to be at the top so people can see it. this is a top end shop window for you to sell your products and services. Take a tour around the GLAM shop template site and you will see how you can keep doing the bits you are good at and we will help you do the rest.
We are very transparent.
To keep the high-end feel to the web site we ask you supply us with high end images or you can use our in house services at our Hudderfield studio - Project 505 - 505 wakefield Road Huddersfield HD5 9XN
We categorize businesses into 2 x streams fashion and non fashion.
Fashion packages offered- Select a model from GLAM productions - www.glamproductions.net. we have the best make up artists, photography and filming what ever works for you.we have all of the facilities to hand.
You will not believe what you get for your money
Non fashion packages - you may need product shots or or models for life style for products. we can help with every thing.
We have build everything in to simple packages so you can see exactly what a great deal you are getting and great value for your money.
See our package information